PLEASE NOTE: Patient Safety does not support the use of the SatScreen Connection Center on Mac operating systems. Options for running the application on a Mac are outlined below, but we strongly recommend the use of the application on a PC running Windows 10 or the current version of Windows.
Is SatScreen Mac Compatible?
You can view archived reports from any system by logging in to However, the SatScreen Connection Center app which is used to download data and create reports, is a Windows application. The SatScreen Connection Center can be used only on a Mac only if it is running a Windows Operating System. If you have a newer Mac with sufficient unused disk space, Apple has made it possible to switch between Mac and Windows operating systems if you currently use the Mac OS, and choose to install Windows as well.
Apple, Inc.: Installing Windows on Your Mac with Boot Camp
Boot Camp helps you install Microsoft Windows on your Mac. After you install, you can restart your Mac to switch between macOS and Windows. The link to apple support below describes this process, or you may request assistance at your local apple store: Apple, Inc. Support: Install Windows on Your Mac